2025 Tryouts
Saturday 3/22/2025 - Talley Field in Arroyo Grande
11:00 G08/07 Elite // Aaron Barker 805-835-3996
1:30 B10 Elite // Kenny Durbin 805-710-4462
Additional dates and details for additional regions and age groups for spring will be published soon.
Players, arrive at tryouts with proper soccer attire, cleats, shin guards, water bottle, etc. Please fill out Tryout Form / Waiver of Liability ahead of time to speed up the check in process.
If you are interested in being a coach, please fill out our new coach / team application available here.
Regional Team questions and information
If you would like to tryout for an existing team, please reach out to the coach and team manager listed in our team directory.
Have a question about joining an existing team, but don’t know where to start? Reach out to one of our area Directors of Coaching.
South Region (Santa Maria / Northern Santa Barbara County)
contact Gerry Rodriguez for more info about joining a South Region team - ridr750@gmail.com
North Region (Atascadero, Templeton, Paso Robles, Cambria)
contact Jon Berezay for more info about joining a North Region team - ccsurfpr@gmail.com
Central Region (Nipomo, 5 Cities, Morro Bay & SLO)
contact Matt Carinio for more info about joining a Central Region team- mattc2@yahoo.com